TGF and AI “designer” in t-shirt collab — The Goat Farm - Creative Advertising Agency

In a world where you can interact with virtual influencers and pets, there’s now a chance you might be wearing something designed with the help of artificial intelligence. TGF recently ‘collaborated’ with AI design platform Midjourney on the design of its TGF t-shirts and tote bags.

TGF senior art director Michelle Vohan and senior designer Alana Howitt worked with the Midjourney AI on the project. “It was a great lesson in briefing,” Michelle says. The AI uses the word prompts we supply to create a set of images which we then feed back on to see iterations and improvements. Some of the first ones were pretty weird!”

TGF creative director Vaughn Davis says it won’t be the last time the agency works with artificial intelligence. “Midjourney has only been public since July last year and even in that time its capabilities have grown enormously. It’s a really exciting time.”

TGF’s designs feature nine different goats, each generated by a string of different prompt words, fed to the Mindjourney AI via chat platform Discord.

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